Sunday, November 9, 2014

Where Do Neurotransmitters Come From?

Here is an exact copy (excluding names) of what I sent my psychology teacher on the answer tow where do neurotransmitters come from?

I have solved my own question on “Where do neurotransmitters come from?”, and it turns out that the biological approach to it was far to narrow a view. I had to go much deeper, to the atomic level for really understand what was going on. I got the idea after watching INTERSTELLAR yesterday and I went to Barnes and Noble to buy some more Physics related material ( I was a physics problem for halloween, thought you needed to know that because I just love physics). Now a interesting this about life is according to physics the simple yet complex laws of our universe don’t allow us to truly chose but think we do (for more on this please see and post How We “Choose”) and it so happened I came across a book just released this month by Curt Stager a geologist/biologist (that fell in love with science due to Atoms). The book, if your interested in it, is called Your Atomic Self, it explains how atoms are who we are and what control our actions including choice when you truly apply the content to high, high, level thinking ( it still confuses me and I’ve known about it for like two or three isn years now). Anyway there are pictures to go along with my explanation and they are numbered to help you or if you want to show your classes. Ok so here we go!

Also I need you to do something that the great physicist Albert Einstein came up with “officially”. It is called a thought experiment, basically you need to imagine (instead of just look at my photos) the process being done in the descriptions below. If you can do that you head will hurt, your mind will be confessed, but you will know everything! (yes I’m aware that contradicts but once you have gone through this you’ll see it really doesn’t). 

1.) So here is a poorly drawn head of a human eating food. This is one and the primary way we obtain the components for a neurotransmitter (thanks to Shelly Boyd and here gauge reference from a source I still don’t know but we all learned this at on point so it is safe to say it is correct.

2.) So the food makes its way to our stomach right, where the lining is filled with blood vessels that carry blood so fast that it won’t fall into your stomach pouch thing (this raises the question if I slowed my blood or had a clot would i get blood in my lungs, stomach, and other organs?) Any way there is also stomach acid that will help break down the food ( there are more aids throughout the digestive tract but we need to keep this simple now because it will only get more complex of the atomic scale). The breaking down is done so the blood can transport the components from the food throughout the body to make neurotransmitters.

3.) So the acid aid breaks down the food right well lets preform our first scale change in this thought experiment. We can see three cells right the food cell, blood cell, and the acid cell. The same thing in number two is still occurring: the acid breaks down the food so the blood cell can obtain the components of the food cell and carry them throughout the body. 

4.) This is an atom and it makes up every cell, organ tissue, and later as well will see the organs/tissue inside the cells. We need to perform a scale change to the atomic world now in our thought experiment but you need to also keep the cellular scale open as well.

5.) These images are not to scale or perfect because of human error and they show atomic and cellular scales together so keep that in mind. Here we have a blood cell that observed the acid and food at the tonic level to bond with their atoms. The atoms for the blood cell bond with the acid until it finishes breaking down the food atoms and it is released. Since the food is now free atoms the blood atoms bond with them to hold them. This creates compounds/ molecules (mole is greek for “pile of stuff” by the way, so if we anywise that it means our fancy words are knida less than the avenge word now :P). 

6.) So we have put here three blood cells caring the most common atoms in the human body or at least the most well known. Now you are probably familiar with the laws of magnets and charges right? Good. Well the atoms in the blood cells (both the food and blood) emit a charge that allow the blood to open the membrane hatches of a cell so the food atoms may pass through but not the blood. 
7.) The blood moves on and the food atoms all together move around the cell. Some go to bond with cell atoms others go to be changed then bonded, but ours go to the mitochondria or power plant of the cell.

8.) Here the atoms are bonded to form energy. This energy can stay in the cell or be again transferred through blood. The energy is taken to a neuron and it in turns converse on the atomic scale again in its own version of a power plant so to say.

9.) In the end the neurons bond the anergy into a neurotransmitter like Dopamine  and use it to send signals across the synapsis. From there the dopamine is rebounded to form other neurotransmitters or repair the neuron until the neuron reaches an age where repair slows and ultimately stops and degradation destroys it. This is the beginning of our end if you believe that human life is all there is .

In conclusion I want you to think of where atoms come from… the answer is star radiation and star dust so in the end when we die we become the planet or we return to explore the universe. What ever the laws of our universe allow us to do really. So I guess the really short answer (like that of where do babies come from [see my blog]) is neurotransmitters (and babies) come from stars.

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