Monday, November 3, 2014

The Big Bang

The Big Bang has already been address but I thought why don't we go more in depth. It is one to the most important discoveries within Cosmology and all of science!

A personal hero of mine is Stephen Hawking a Cosmologist at Cambridge University. He is credited with the discovery of THE BIG BANG. The Big Bang is a theory, that has been long been proven, of the creation of our universe. I know it is hard to imagine but back in the day when Hawking was a grad-student most people thought the universe was static or unchanging. This meant it was the same in every direction (meaning its laws and properties) and had always been in existence. In other words there was no moment of creation. This was due to two major factors in my opinion: One was that science and church were still sore with each other and believed the other would be the death of them. So creating a moment of creation put more room for God in science and most Cosmologist did not like that. The second is that most people were scared of change or a beginning because anything with a beginning has an end. They found steady state theory (the theory of a static universe) attractive because it was reassuring that the human race would only evolve and continue the survive.

But in the 1960's the young Stephen Hawking discovered the singularity that started it all. While searching for a topic for his doctorate Hawking watched another physicist talk of steady state and discovered why it could not work. He then went further into the matter and found the answer to proving the Big Bang by a train moving backwards. The answer was to trace time back to the begging through light, matter, and temperature.  The idea is that if you look at the universe today you can find matter and energy everywhere but if you trace it backwards in time you will find a violent explosion that started it all. This is what we call the Big Bang.

Now how to prove that our backwards tracing is correct, well there is something so simple about explosions that we always over look: HEAT. The Big Bang was the biggest and most violent explosion in the universe and it would have forged our universe in great temperatures. The best part is due to the power of the explosion the heat was great despite its high cooling rate. Today we can still detect the heat from the explosion on radian waves as nobel prize winning physicists Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discovered in 1964. Hawking had the idea but their discover is the evidence he is right and the Big Bang all began with a singularity.

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