Tuesday, November 4, 2014

How We "Chose"

So today I voted for the first time in my life in an state wide election. Later in the day I was studying neurotransmitters in my Psychology class i reflected on an old idea within Cosmology: The Illusion of Choice.

So you know about the Big Bang now right? Well when that little singularity particle decided to just explode it released a set of rules for our universe. You see there are other universes out there that make up the cosmos, but we can't venture to them because they have a different set of laws than the universe we were created in. This is our first clue about the illusion of choice. The Big Bang set up laws the instant it appeared then disappeared as a singularly particle. These laws governed how the explosion occurred and what happened afterward. Since then matter has formed planets, stars, comets, and eventually organisms that produce what we call intelligence.

So with intelligence came the idea of choice but the truth is there is no such thing as choice. The laws of our universe govern everything we do. Our bodies are rub by our brain and the neurons that make them up, along with our nervous system. So there are a few things that will alter our neurons in a certain way. They are the same thing that began the universe and what make all of it up: Atoms. Atoms are fairly simple that are ruled by simple laws like charge and bonding. They are just matter with energy and the laws of the singularly particle are what sent the matter and energy through an expanding infant space in a certain pattern. So each peace of matter and energy forge together because of how the singular particle exploded and that is the same reason.

So to put it in simple terms our universe has laws that extend to a complex scale but govern everything, even the choices of people, that exists. This can be seen in the laws of electricity or electrons. As stated earlier the brain controls everything we do, but the brain fallows laws of neurons which use electricity and chemicals to communicate with each other to run the body. Now electricity or electrons fallow charges meaning if one electron is near another they repel each other, meaning move apart. This law moves the elections in a zigzag chaotic movement along the conductor or neuron. This is what electricity really is, just a bunch of elections repelling each other quickly through a conductor. Now like the Big Bang the the elections fallow the pattern it expressed in the event of the explosion. Every electron movement is a result of that explosion and when bonded in large matter they effect how the matter behaves. So in the end the elections decide what everything do and fallow the laws or pattern the Big Bang expressed.

Now since every piece of matter has to fallow the laws of an electron sets for them the laws are constant and fallow the patter that electrons do right? Well since that is the case when we look at food and neurons we can see how the chemicals effect the illusion of choice.
Neurons are formed with atoms like cells but they have a different lay out. I won't go into specifics because that is not exactly relevant unless you think about how the pattern or law of the Big Bang set the atoms in motion to receptively form the neuron layout in organism. One key aspect of the neurons though is that they have a membrane that blocks sir tan chemical or atoms bonded into compounds and allow others to attach or pass through. The chemicals are called neurotransmitters and they are compounds like dopamine, serotonin, or endorphins. The compounds are made in the body by adding the nutrients from food together in cells that will output the atoms in a new compound that will make its way to the neuron. If you study Biology or Psychology you will see that these neurotransmitters will effect things like memory, sleep, mood, vitals, sight, or hearing. The list goes on but say our memory portion was on the fritz, we would not chose the same things as we would with it because having memory influences a pattern differently right. Well since these compounds fallow the laws of elections which fallow the laws of charge they will be active at high, normal, or low levels in people because that is what the Big Bang set in motion. So Billions of years ago the Big Bang made it so someone would be normally functioning and another have depression. This causes different actions either in sleight or sever degrees. This is why we thing we have choice because we see actions we are told not to due because the Big Bang Laws say don't do them in us but in others they say hey go ahead. We have electrons as compound influencing memories that are there because the Big Bang Laws are telling you hey do this. So we have no choice it is only an illusion...

It may be frightening to here that but look at it this way, everything is happening so that our universe can exists. It is kind of like the homeostasis of the universe except with the actions of matter and energy.

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