Tuesday, November 4, 2014


It is crucial that we identify what our universe is really made of other than energy, matter, and the Big Bang laws. Well this is more along the line of the laws seeing as it is not necessarily physical but a representation of a property that makes up the pattern of events the Big Bang set in motion. It is called Space-Time or the vast emptiness in which energy and matter fallow the laws set by the Big Bang.

Space and time are two things we see separately when they are actually the same. See both space and time are byproducts of the Big Bang and its laws. We see space physically and we measure time and feel it mentally. Now I guess in a way we see time physically through its side affects like aging or movement of light and partials. The same goes for space in a metal way like our comprehension it exists but definition it is only a vast emptiness. So these two aspects of each property show they are perfectly symmetrical and if you know any physics you know it loves symmetrical properties. So then it is no surpass they are the same thing in that aspect, but if you need another just think about how much it would take to create a byproduct of laws... I would say a lot and putting an explosion that births a universe on top of that is a lot of work and having two byproducts may have stopped the explosion, but that is my opinion really.

So space-time being one thing may be hard to wrap your head around but it is only going to get so much more strange! Space-time has a really cool ability; it can bend and warp. If you look and the image at the top of this post  you will see space-time bending inward to a hole. This could be for things like black holes, warp holes, or without a hole a place for a planet. You see planets have a force they call gravity but that is only a simplistic way of viewing the property. Space-tme warps and bends around the planets and moves when applied forces are express on the planet or matter. Basically if you jump you push the planet out of orbit but the force of gravity or warping space-time puts the planet back around you due what some Physicists say are gravitons that pass in and out of our universe.  This is why we simply gravity to be just a force and not warping space-time.

Now I did mention worm holes and black holes so lets set this all straight with the idea of time travel. I won't go into to much depth because I could do a whole other post on it, but lets just clear up the basics of what space-time does to help. A black hole is a hole in space-time with a singular as the center so all things brace down at the center. Now a warm hole is a hole THROUGH space-time from point A to point B. Considering that space and time are one entity here that means when you pass through the worm hole or warping space-time you not only change your position in space but also your position in time.  So wormholes are what will let you travel through time not black holes.

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