Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Our Cosmic Address

A cosmic address in like any other regular address except instead of a location on Earth it is a location with in the Cosmos. Before we begin lets address the difference between universe and cosmos. A universe is  the space and energy that fallows a set of specific laws in a infinite bubble. Now a cosmos is every bit of every universe combined into one large celestial body so to speak. Since we have that out of the way lets get Started!

The first line in any cosmic address is the large body of matter in which you wish to go or reside like Haley's Comet or the Sun. In our case we reside as you know on Earth the third rock from the Sun. There can be many different ways to refers to Earth as you know, like: The little blue planet, Our little rock, the planet of the humans, or our home planet. Since we are the only intelligent life in the universe we can basically say what every we want because we won't actually use this to mail any interstellar packages.

The second line is the group of matter like planetary objects, comets, and asteroids that orbit a specific star. In our case the Earth rotates around a star we call The Sun and The Sun's group of matter is called The Solar System. I know we aren't that original; it just happens that what we name first is ours which means it is the technical and layman name.

Moving on we add the clouds that consist of matter like asteroids and comets that may be around the planetary matter. The only cloud that surrounds The Solar System is The Oort Cloud. This cloud contains the Kuiper belt or comet belt and millions of asteroids. The asteroids in the Kuiper belt seem to do something interesting; the small ones tend to orbit the larger ones like a moon orbiting the Earth.

Next is the groping of all clouds and solar systems; most of the time this is done around a black hole. These are called galaxies and we named ours the Milky Way Galaxy. Some say we named it that because if you saw the sky with no light you would see a milky cluster of stars stench throughout the night. There are a few types of galaxies and ours happens to be a spiral galaxy not that it has anything to do with our cosmic address but just a fact for later.

The fifth line of our cosmic address is the group of galaxies near each other. In our case it is called The Local Group; again we aren't to good with the names. This consists of galaxies like The Andromeda Galaxy, The Triangulum Galaxy, and others.

From there we write the next line about the supercluster of galaxies. This is the mass local gouts of galaxies together throughout the hemisphere of the universe that you are in. We happen to be in the Virgo Super Cluster which is in the region of habitual space in our universe. Our Universe cossets of all these superclusters added together and we call it universe. That is the last line of our cosmic address.

Well now you can send interstellar packagers to anywhere in our universe, but your gonna have to find a very good mail man.

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