Sunday, November 2, 2014

Where Do Babies Come From?

Stars in the night sky seem to be the answer to everything. Well at least show us the path we need to look at. when akin anything about the universe, even where do babies come from?, stars are the answer.

So where do babes come from then? Well to answer that we have to go back Billions of years to the time just after THE BIG BANG. The Big Bang, if you don't already know, is the event of all creation in and of our universe. It al started with a subatomic particle that would appear and disappear fallowing the uncertainty principle of quantum machines. This particle for some unknown, at the moment, reason the particle decided to explode and expel atoms into the universe.

Days after the explosion the atoms bang to come together under the force of gravity. These atoms were mostly Hydrogen and Helium and they formed together to make large balls of heat and light called stars. The two atoms then begin to repel and attract each other which speeds the atoms at high velocities. Soon these atoms move so fast that they break the charge boundaries that repeal and attract them, so they crash together. These atoms fuse together and the process is called fusion. The result is then radiated out of the star into space.

The new atoms forged throughout the fusion process begin to move through space and bond with the other atoms form the Big Bang. These bonds make compounds to create visible matter. The matter can become asteroids, comets, planets, and organic matter like bacteria. As you likely already know evolution organisms takes bacteria and over long periods of time creates new complex organisms. This is aided by the energy of heat from the fusion process of a star and the atoms it radiates to the planet an organism evolves on. Eventually you could get humans and their reproductive system is engineered through evolution to place certain energy and atoms in places to create another organism. Nine months later the organism is ready to evolve on its own instead of the mother adding energy and atoms to it. After about 25 years it hits its peak and the creation is done.

So in short the answer is all about stars right or in other words babies come from stars.

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