Tuesday, November 11, 2014

My "Atomic" Chioce

I am still reading that book on atoms, My Atomic Self, and I am loving it! It is marvelous that I came across it by what the less accepting would call chance. You see this book can give me a lot of posts for this blog, but personally I feel like that might be a little bit of a cheat. So I have a compromise for you: go back and read the earlier post How We "Chose" and reflect on the atomic portion. In summery it says we are governed by the laws of the atoms in everything we do even choice. So my compromise here is anything relating to that post or other post I share will be put up. Now you my notice I put the tittle of a post My "Interstellar" Choice for when I found this book and reflected on the post How We "Chose", well form now on that is how you will be able to identify the related posts for the book to each other.

Anyway lets get on to what I found in the book, shall we? On page 37 (That is in chapter one titled Fires of Life) the author Curt Stager addresses in a way how atoms control everything we do because that make up all of our structure. Here is how he put it:

"A Friend of mine likes to say that 'hydrogen, given enough time, becomes people'. That claim, in the grand scheme of things, is correct. Hydrogen first appeared shortly after the Big Bang and ignited the first stars, so hydrogen is the oldest form of atom in your body as well as in the rest of the universe. your oxygen atoms, on the other hand, can be traced back to the fusion of hydrogen nuclei in later generations of stars. The hydrogen atoms in your water molecules are therefore equivalent to the aunts and uncles of the younger oxygen atoms they ride upon.

But my friend's saying is also true in a more immediate sense. Trillions upon trillions of hydrogen atoms are helping to hold you together right now, and many other are abandoning airborne vapor molecules to snuggle into the atomic frameworks of your hair. Similar connections also link the feathers of desert birds to cacti, the tail bristles of elephants to raindrops, and the hair on the heads of ancient mummies to local drinking water. We'll soon see how that can be, but first you should know something else about the atomic trios that we call water molecules. you might say that they dance."

This in a way also relates to another earlier post Where Do Babies Come From? The connection is how hydrogen and oxygen come from stars after the Big Bang. Well that is all I have for you now so........ go do something with ranch... ya ranch that seems reasonable.

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