Wednesday, November 5, 2014

How To Become A Master Of Time

So there is one aspect of daily life that just drives me nutters: always in a hurry. We are always trying to go somewhere and do something right! It is unbelievable how much little time we actually spend enjoying things because we always want to go some where else! But thanks to Albert Einstein and his theory of Relativity we can simply manipulate time to our advantage.

I won't go in depth with the amazing and awesome theory of relativity until later post when it is more your speed. We are only just beginning to understand the wonders of the cosmos here so lets just take it slow because after this you and I will have all the time in the world to explore. Einstein's theory of relativity is somewhat complex yet still simple in its own way, but we will look at one of the most simplest properties in the theory. Before we do that though I would like to express that this theory is proven and not still being constantly questioned.

The simple aspect we are going to explore is in the title: Relativity. If you remember my last post on space-time you know that time is a byproduct of our universe and its not always a physical object or limit. This makes time subject to the relative property of Einstein's theory. Now I guess that's a little obvious considering the title of his theory but maybe I should explain what means. Basically the relative property is saying one object is subject to the things around it instead of the entire universe, while another object does the same but with different things around it.

I suppose you want an example right? Well cosmologist Stephen Hawking has a good one involving trains; toy and transport size. So say you have then men one one train car: one at the back door, one in the exact middle with a lighter, and one at the front door. The men at the doors are both equal distance from the man in the middle.The men at each door is staring at the lighter while the man in the middle flick it open and lights it. A flame appears and its light moves in both direction to each man at either door with a speed of 299,792,458 meters per second (m/s). The light reaches the men at the doors at exactly the same time. Now that is kind obvious right and has nothing really to do with the relative property but it does when you add another person.

Trains move on tracks right? Eventually they pull in or pass a stations with passengers waiting to board another train too. So lets imagine while the man in the middle lights the lighter a women on the platform sees him do it as the train moves passed her left to right. The man in the back becomes the second or left man and the man in the front becomes the first or right man. Since the train moves left to right with a velocity of V (you can put any velocity you chose) the woman sees the light reach the second or left man first the the first or right man last. This is because her position is relative to the platform and not inside the car with the two men. She sees light move at 299, 792, 458 m/s plus the velocity V ( C + V) toward the second or left man while the light moves 299, 793, 458 m/s minus the velocity V ( C - V) towed the first or right man. This has to due with the relative direction in which the train travels and it causes the light to reach the left or second man in a shorter amount of time than the right or first man from the relative perspective of the women. This does not effect the men relative to the train which makes the law that time is relative to the holder of the watch that measures time.

Now what could that possibly mean and does it help you manipulate time? Well I'm glad you asked! So imagine you are running late to class or  work doesn't really matter where. You eventually arrive and your teach or boss gives you a really annoying lecture on punctuality. So you listen for five second and then remember you have a pocket watch inside you coat pocket. You pull it out and reset the time to be one minuet before you need to be in class or at work. You then proceed to tell your teacher or boss that you are not late but actually one minuet early because time is relative to the hold of the watch that measures time. Since you were in a different region of the universe it is safe to assume you had to measure time differently so there is no need to punish or lecture you.

By applying this principle to your everyday life you become a master of time or if you prefer Doctor Who you can even be a Timelord. Now you may have to explain yourself a bit when you do this and some may not buy it because they want your time relative to theirs. However, I believe that if they are like that they don't really deserve or need to be measuring time at  all. So go have some fun and master the relative time around you.

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