Friday, November 14, 2014


Ah Andromeda what a beauty, right? It is the common desktop default for most mac computers and laptops... although it is a different tint. That can be explained fairly easy, you see macs have a lighter photograph for their background because the photographer who took the photo used a slightly different radio frequency than this on. See the colour you see before you is an idea of what it looks like through radio imaging but in reality we have no idea what this sexy galaxy looks like. Now don't think the clouds or stars are off because they aren't and the shade ratio is perfect as well. Basically if you took a black and white photo you would have a more realistic version of what we know. Anyway lets move on the the fun stuff about Andromeda.

So do you remember the earlier post on our cosmic address? Well if you don't maybe go back and read it or you can continue, because you will probably catch on. So for Andromeda's cosmic address she is in The Universe, Virgo Super Cluster, and The Local Group. Since Andromeda is a galaxy we can not go any further with the address, but you know enough on its location to continue a discussion on her.

Andromeda being in the local group is an important factor here because the next interesting fact about her is she is on a collision course with the Milky Way Galaxy. Now don't freak out to much, they two galaxies will collide long after the Sun explodes and destroyed the Earth. That is billions of years away too. Now when these two galaxies collide they will change around the orbits of planets and stars, violently impact matter of all sizes and classifications, and it possibly bring in planets carrying new life forms with habitual planets. Unfortunately the collision on these galaxies and rearrange on their materials would only result in changing a cosmos address. This means a new kind of space would need to be charted.

Andromeda is a spiral galaxy and like all spiral galaxies she has a massive black hole at her center. If you look at the picture you can see the giant ball of light in the center; well thats light and matter slowly falling into the black hole or orbiting around it. This has always freaked me out because most galaxies in our virgo supercluster are spiral and thats billions of black holes. What makes it slightly worse is this is the habitable regain of space and it's surrounded by deathtraps that oddly enough keep life going with its gravity set up.

Well thats about all I know off the top of my head but I'm sure in time I and the rest of the beings in the universe will discover more on the topic.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

My "Atomic" Chioce

I am still reading that book on atoms, My Atomic Self, and I am loving it! It is marvelous that I came across it by what the less accepting would call chance. You see this book can give me a lot of posts for this blog, but personally I feel like that might be a little bit of a cheat. So I have a compromise for you: go back and read the earlier post How We "Chose" and reflect on the atomic portion. In summery it says we are governed by the laws of the atoms in everything we do even choice. So my compromise here is anything relating to that post or other post I share will be put up. Now you my notice I put the tittle of a post My "Interstellar" Choice for when I found this book and reflected on the post How We "Chose", well form now on that is how you will be able to identify the related posts for the book to each other.

Anyway lets get on to what I found in the book, shall we? On page 37 (That is in chapter one titled Fires of Life) the author Curt Stager addresses in a way how atoms control everything we do because that make up all of our structure. Here is how he put it:

"A Friend of mine likes to say that 'hydrogen, given enough time, becomes people'. That claim, in the grand scheme of things, is correct. Hydrogen first appeared shortly after the Big Bang and ignited the first stars, so hydrogen is the oldest form of atom in your body as well as in the rest of the universe. your oxygen atoms, on the other hand, can be traced back to the fusion of hydrogen nuclei in later generations of stars. The hydrogen atoms in your water molecules are therefore equivalent to the aunts and uncles of the younger oxygen atoms they ride upon.

But my friend's saying is also true in a more immediate sense. Trillions upon trillions of hydrogen atoms are helping to hold you together right now, and many other are abandoning airborne vapor molecules to snuggle into the atomic frameworks of your hair. Similar connections also link the feathers of desert birds to cacti, the tail bristles of elephants to raindrops, and the hair on the heads of ancient mummies to local drinking water. We'll soon see how that can be, but first you should know something else about the atomic trios that we call water molecules. you might say that they dance."

This in a way also relates to another earlier post Where Do Babies Come From? The connection is how hydrogen and oxygen come from stars after the Big Bang. Well that is all I have for you now so........ go do something with ranch... ya ranch that seems reasonable.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Where Do Neurotransmitters Come From?

Here is an exact copy (excluding names) of what I sent my psychology teacher on the answer tow where do neurotransmitters come from?

I have solved my own question on “Where do neurotransmitters come from?”, and it turns out that the biological approach to it was far to narrow a view. I had to go much deeper, to the atomic level for really understand what was going on. I got the idea after watching INTERSTELLAR yesterday and I went to Barnes and Noble to buy some more Physics related material ( I was a physics problem for halloween, thought you needed to know that because I just love physics). Now a interesting this about life is according to physics the simple yet complex laws of our universe don’t allow us to truly chose but think we do (for more on this please see and post How We “Choose”) and it so happened I came across a book just released this month by Curt Stager a geologist/biologist (that fell in love with science due to Atoms). The book, if your interested in it, is called Your Atomic Self, it explains how atoms are who we are and what control our actions including choice when you truly apply the content to high, high, level thinking ( it still confuses me and I’ve known about it for like two or three isn years now). Anyway there are pictures to go along with my explanation and they are numbered to help you or if you want to show your classes. Ok so here we go!

Also I need you to do something that the great physicist Albert Einstein came up with “officially”. It is called a thought experiment, basically you need to imagine (instead of just look at my photos) the process being done in the descriptions below. If you can do that you head will hurt, your mind will be confessed, but you will know everything! (yes I’m aware that contradicts but once you have gone through this you’ll see it really doesn’t). 

1.) So here is a poorly drawn head of a human eating food. This is one and the primary way we obtain the components for a neurotransmitter (thanks to Shelly Boyd and here gauge reference from a source I still don’t know but we all learned this at on point so it is safe to say it is correct.

2.) So the food makes its way to our stomach right, where the lining is filled with blood vessels that carry blood so fast that it won’t fall into your stomach pouch thing (this raises the question if I slowed my blood or had a clot would i get blood in my lungs, stomach, and other organs?) Any way there is also stomach acid that will help break down the food ( there are more aids throughout the digestive tract but we need to keep this simple now because it will only get more complex of the atomic scale). The breaking down is done so the blood can transport the components from the food throughout the body to make neurotransmitters.

3.) So the acid aid breaks down the food right well lets preform our first scale change in this thought experiment. We can see three cells right the food cell, blood cell, and the acid cell. The same thing in number two is still occurring: the acid breaks down the food so the blood cell can obtain the components of the food cell and carry them throughout the body. 

4.) This is an atom and it makes up every cell, organ tissue, and later as well will see the organs/tissue inside the cells. We need to perform a scale change to the atomic world now in our thought experiment but you need to also keep the cellular scale open as well.

5.) These images are not to scale or perfect because of human error and they show atomic and cellular scales together so keep that in mind. Here we have a blood cell that observed the acid and food at the tonic level to bond with their atoms. The atoms for the blood cell bond with the acid until it finishes breaking down the food atoms and it is released. Since the food is now free atoms the blood atoms bond with them to hold them. This creates compounds/ molecules (mole is greek for “pile of stuff” by the way, so if we anywise that it means our fancy words are knida less than the avenge word now :P). 

6.) So we have put here three blood cells caring the most common atoms in the human body or at least the most well known. Now you are probably familiar with the laws of magnets and charges right? Good. Well the atoms in the blood cells (both the food and blood) emit a charge that allow the blood to open the membrane hatches of a cell so the food atoms may pass through but not the blood. 
7.) The blood moves on and the food atoms all together move around the cell. Some go to bond with cell atoms others go to be changed then bonded, but ours go to the mitochondria or power plant of the cell.

8.) Here the atoms are bonded to form energy. This energy can stay in the cell or be again transferred through blood. The energy is taken to a neuron and it in turns converse on the atomic scale again in its own version of a power plant so to say.

9.) In the end the neurons bond the anergy into a neurotransmitter like Dopamine  and use it to send signals across the synapsis. From there the dopamine is rebounded to form other neurotransmitters or repair the neuron until the neuron reaches an age where repair slows and ultimately stops and degradation destroys it. This is the beginning of our end if you believe that human life is all there is .

In conclusion I want you to think of where atoms come from… the answer is star radiation and star dust so in the end when we die we become the planet or we return to explore the universe. What ever the laws of our universe allow us to do really. So I guess the really short answer (like that of where do babies come from [see my blog]) is neurotransmitters (and babies) come from stars.


So yesterday I got the desire to see two films, both on physics of course. One was the new Stephen Hawking movie The Theory Of Everything, which was not available in a theater near me, and the other was Interstellar a film on traveling through space-time to find a new home. I saw that film because the Hawking was unavailable as I mentioned earlier, but it seems that is only the fate or laws the Big Bang set in motion.

More proof that these laws decide everything we do is that after I fell in love with this film I went to Barnes and Noble to get some physics material to read. Now YOUR ATOMIC SELF. It is a good read and I recombined you take a look and that goes for the film too. INTERSTELLAR made me fall in love with cosmology all over again and is part of the reason I wanted to get some new reading material. So you could also say that the Hawking film being limited was the Big Bang laws putting me on the path to my answer.

earlier this week I addressed this choice law with neurotransmitters which I discussed in psychology class. Now in that class I asked where neurotransmitters came from and the response I got after many google searches was food. Now I know like you do nutrients come from food but no one truly addresses how they go from food to blood and then cells where they become neurotransmitters. So I happened to find a book on atoms that explains this which is what the Big Bang laws fatted, so to speak, me to find. This book is called

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

How To Become A Master Of Time

So there is one aspect of daily life that just drives me nutters: always in a hurry. We are always trying to go somewhere and do something right! It is unbelievable how much little time we actually spend enjoying things because we always want to go some where else! But thanks to Albert Einstein and his theory of Relativity we can simply manipulate time to our advantage.

I won't go in depth with the amazing and awesome theory of relativity until later post when it is more your speed. We are only just beginning to understand the wonders of the cosmos here so lets just take it slow because after this you and I will have all the time in the world to explore. Einstein's theory of relativity is somewhat complex yet still simple in its own way, but we will look at one of the most simplest properties in the theory. Before we do that though I would like to express that this theory is proven and not still being constantly questioned.

The simple aspect we are going to explore is in the title: Relativity. If you remember my last post on space-time you know that time is a byproduct of our universe and its not always a physical object or limit. This makes time subject to the relative property of Einstein's theory. Now I guess that's a little obvious considering the title of his theory but maybe I should explain what means. Basically the relative property is saying one object is subject to the things around it instead of the entire universe, while another object does the same but with different things around it.

I suppose you want an example right? Well cosmologist Stephen Hawking has a good one involving trains; toy and transport size. So say you have then men one one train car: one at the back door, one in the exact middle with a lighter, and one at the front door. The men at the doors are both equal distance from the man in the middle.The men at each door is staring at the lighter while the man in the middle flick it open and lights it. A flame appears and its light moves in both direction to each man at either door with a speed of 299,792,458 meters per second (m/s). The light reaches the men at the doors at exactly the same time. Now that is kind obvious right and has nothing really to do with the relative property but it does when you add another person.

Trains move on tracks right? Eventually they pull in or pass a stations with passengers waiting to board another train too. So lets imagine while the man in the middle lights the lighter a women on the platform sees him do it as the train moves passed her left to right. The man in the back becomes the second or left man and the man in the front becomes the first or right man. Since the train moves left to right with a velocity of V (you can put any velocity you chose) the woman sees the light reach the second or left man first the the first or right man last. This is because her position is relative to the platform and not inside the car with the two men. She sees light move at 299, 792, 458 m/s plus the velocity V ( C + V) toward the second or left man while the light moves 299, 793, 458 m/s minus the velocity V ( C - V) towed the first or right man. This has to due with the relative direction in which the train travels and it causes the light to reach the left or second man in a shorter amount of time than the right or first man from the relative perspective of the women. This does not effect the men relative to the train which makes the law that time is relative to the holder of the watch that measures time.

Now what could that possibly mean and does it help you manipulate time? Well I'm glad you asked! So imagine you are running late to class or  work doesn't really matter where. You eventually arrive and your teach or boss gives you a really annoying lecture on punctuality. So you listen for five second and then remember you have a pocket watch inside you coat pocket. You pull it out and reset the time to be one minuet before you need to be in class or at work. You then proceed to tell your teacher or boss that you are not late but actually one minuet early because time is relative to the hold of the watch that measures time. Since you were in a different region of the universe it is safe to assume you had to measure time differently so there is no need to punish or lecture you.

By applying this principle to your everyday life you become a master of time or if you prefer Doctor Who you can even be a Timelord. Now you may have to explain yourself a bit when you do this and some may not buy it because they want your time relative to theirs. However, I believe that if they are like that they don't really deserve or need to be measuring time at  all. So go have some fun and master the relative time around you.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


It is crucial that we identify what our universe is really made of other than energy, matter, and the Big Bang laws. Well this is more along the line of the laws seeing as it is not necessarily physical but a representation of a property that makes up the pattern of events the Big Bang set in motion. It is called Space-Time or the vast emptiness in which energy and matter fallow the laws set by the Big Bang.

Space and time are two things we see separately when they are actually the same. See both space and time are byproducts of the Big Bang and its laws. We see space physically and we measure time and feel it mentally. Now I guess in a way we see time physically through its side affects like aging or movement of light and partials. The same goes for space in a metal way like our comprehension it exists but definition it is only a vast emptiness. So these two aspects of each property show they are perfectly symmetrical and if you know any physics you know it loves symmetrical properties. So then it is no surpass they are the same thing in that aspect, but if you need another just think about how much it would take to create a byproduct of laws... I would say a lot and putting an explosion that births a universe on top of that is a lot of work and having two byproducts may have stopped the explosion, but that is my opinion really.

So space-time being one thing may be hard to wrap your head around but it is only going to get so much more strange! Space-time has a really cool ability; it can bend and warp. If you look and the image at the top of this post  you will see space-time bending inward to a hole. This could be for things like black holes, warp holes, or without a hole a place for a planet. You see planets have a force they call gravity but that is only a simplistic way of viewing the property. Space-tme warps and bends around the planets and moves when applied forces are express on the planet or matter. Basically if you jump you push the planet out of orbit but the force of gravity or warping space-time puts the planet back around you due what some Physicists say are gravitons that pass in and out of our universe.  This is why we simply gravity to be just a force and not warping space-time.

Now I did mention worm holes and black holes so lets set this all straight with the idea of time travel. I won't go into to much depth because I could do a whole other post on it, but lets just clear up the basics of what space-time does to help. A black hole is a hole in space-time with a singular as the center so all things brace down at the center. Now a warm hole is a hole THROUGH space-time from point A to point B. Considering that space and time are one entity here that means when you pass through the worm hole or warping space-time you not only change your position in space but also your position in time.  So wormholes are what will let you travel through time not black holes.

Our Cosmic Address

A cosmic address in like any other regular address except instead of a location on Earth it is a location with in the Cosmos. Before we begin lets address the difference between universe and cosmos. A universe is  the space and energy that fallows a set of specific laws in a infinite bubble. Now a cosmos is every bit of every universe combined into one large celestial body so to speak. Since we have that out of the way lets get Started!

The first line in any cosmic address is the large body of matter in which you wish to go or reside like Haley's Comet or the Sun. In our case we reside as you know on Earth the third rock from the Sun. There can be many different ways to refers to Earth as you know, like: The little blue planet, Our little rock, the planet of the humans, or our home planet. Since we are the only intelligent life in the universe we can basically say what every we want because we won't actually use this to mail any interstellar packages.

The second line is the group of matter like planetary objects, comets, and asteroids that orbit a specific star. In our case the Earth rotates around a star we call The Sun and The Sun's group of matter is called The Solar System. I know we aren't that original; it just happens that what we name first is ours which means it is the technical and layman name.

Moving on we add the clouds that consist of matter like asteroids and comets that may be around the planetary matter. The only cloud that surrounds The Solar System is The Oort Cloud. This cloud contains the Kuiper belt or comet belt and millions of asteroids. The asteroids in the Kuiper belt seem to do something interesting; the small ones tend to orbit the larger ones like a moon orbiting the Earth.

Next is the groping of all clouds and solar systems; most of the time this is done around a black hole. These are called galaxies and we named ours the Milky Way Galaxy. Some say we named it that because if you saw the sky with no light you would see a milky cluster of stars stench throughout the night. There are a few types of galaxies and ours happens to be a spiral galaxy not that it has anything to do with our cosmic address but just a fact for later.

The fifth line of our cosmic address is the group of galaxies near each other. In our case it is called The Local Group; again we aren't to good with the names. This consists of galaxies like The Andromeda Galaxy, The Triangulum Galaxy, and others.

From there we write the next line about the supercluster of galaxies. This is the mass local gouts of galaxies together throughout the hemisphere of the universe that you are in. We happen to be in the Virgo Super Cluster which is in the region of habitual space in our universe. Our Universe cossets of all these superclusters added together and we call it universe. That is the last line of our cosmic address.

Well now you can send interstellar packagers to anywhere in our universe, but your gonna have to find a very good mail man.

How We "Chose"

So today I voted for the first time in my life in an state wide election. Later in the day I was studying neurotransmitters in my Psychology class i reflected on an old idea within Cosmology: The Illusion of Choice.

So you know about the Big Bang now right? Well when that little singularity particle decided to just explode it released a set of rules for our universe. You see there are other universes out there that make up the cosmos, but we can't venture to them because they have a different set of laws than the universe we were created in. This is our first clue about the illusion of choice. The Big Bang set up laws the instant it appeared then disappeared as a singularly particle. These laws governed how the explosion occurred and what happened afterward. Since then matter has formed planets, stars, comets, and eventually organisms that produce what we call intelligence.

So with intelligence came the idea of choice but the truth is there is no such thing as choice. The laws of our universe govern everything we do. Our bodies are rub by our brain and the neurons that make them up, along with our nervous system. So there are a few things that will alter our neurons in a certain way. They are the same thing that began the universe and what make all of it up: Atoms. Atoms are fairly simple that are ruled by simple laws like charge and bonding. They are just matter with energy and the laws of the singularly particle are what sent the matter and energy through an expanding infant space in a certain pattern. So each peace of matter and energy forge together because of how the singular particle exploded and that is the same reason.

So to put it in simple terms our universe has laws that extend to a complex scale but govern everything, even the choices of people, that exists. This can be seen in the laws of electricity or electrons. As stated earlier the brain controls everything we do, but the brain fallows laws of neurons which use electricity and chemicals to communicate with each other to run the body. Now electricity or electrons fallow charges meaning if one electron is near another they repel each other, meaning move apart. This law moves the elections in a zigzag chaotic movement along the conductor or neuron. This is what electricity really is, just a bunch of elections repelling each other quickly through a conductor. Now like the Big Bang the the elections fallow the pattern it expressed in the event of the explosion. Every electron movement is a result of that explosion and when bonded in large matter they effect how the matter behaves. So in the end the elections decide what everything do and fallow the laws or pattern the Big Bang expressed.

Now since every piece of matter has to fallow the laws of an electron sets for them the laws are constant and fallow the patter that electrons do right? Well since that is the case when we look at food and neurons we can see how the chemicals effect the illusion of choice.
Neurons are formed with atoms like cells but they have a different lay out. I won't go into specifics because that is not exactly relevant unless you think about how the pattern or law of the Big Bang set the atoms in motion to receptively form the neuron layout in organism. One key aspect of the neurons though is that they have a membrane that blocks sir tan chemical or atoms bonded into compounds and allow others to attach or pass through. The chemicals are called neurotransmitters and they are compounds like dopamine, serotonin, or endorphins. The compounds are made in the body by adding the nutrients from food together in cells that will output the atoms in a new compound that will make its way to the neuron. If you study Biology or Psychology you will see that these neurotransmitters will effect things like memory, sleep, mood, vitals, sight, or hearing. The list goes on but say our memory portion was on the fritz, we would not chose the same things as we would with it because having memory influences a pattern differently right. Well since these compounds fallow the laws of elections which fallow the laws of charge they will be active at high, normal, or low levels in people because that is what the Big Bang set in motion. So Billions of years ago the Big Bang made it so someone would be normally functioning and another have depression. This causes different actions either in sleight or sever degrees. This is why we thing we have choice because we see actions we are told not to due because the Big Bang Laws say don't do them in us but in others they say hey go ahead. We have electrons as compound influencing memories that are there because the Big Bang Laws are telling you hey do this. So we have no choice it is only an illusion...

It may be frightening to here that but look at it this way, everything is happening so that our universe can exists. It is kind of like the homeostasis of the universe except with the actions of matter and energy.

Monday, November 3, 2014

The Big Bang

The Big Bang has already been address but I thought why don't we go more in depth. It is one to the most important discoveries within Cosmology and all of science!

A personal hero of mine is Stephen Hawking a Cosmologist at Cambridge University. He is credited with the discovery of THE BIG BANG. The Big Bang is a theory, that has been long been proven, of the creation of our universe. I know it is hard to imagine but back in the day when Hawking was a grad-student most people thought the universe was static or unchanging. This meant it was the same in every direction (meaning its laws and properties) and had always been in existence. In other words there was no moment of creation. This was due to two major factors in my opinion: One was that science and church were still sore with each other and believed the other would be the death of them. So creating a moment of creation put more room for God in science and most Cosmologist did not like that. The second is that most people were scared of change or a beginning because anything with a beginning has an end. They found steady state theory (the theory of a static universe) attractive because it was reassuring that the human race would only evolve and continue the survive.

But in the 1960's the young Stephen Hawking discovered the singularity that started it all. While searching for a topic for his doctorate Hawking watched another physicist talk of steady state and discovered why it could not work. He then went further into the matter and found the answer to proving the Big Bang by a train moving backwards. The answer was to trace time back to the begging through light, matter, and temperature.  The idea is that if you look at the universe today you can find matter and energy everywhere but if you trace it backwards in time you will find a violent explosion that started it all. This is what we call the Big Bang.

Now how to prove that our backwards tracing is correct, well there is something so simple about explosions that we always over look: HEAT. The Big Bang was the biggest and most violent explosion in the universe and it would have forged our universe in great temperatures. The best part is due to the power of the explosion the heat was great despite its high cooling rate. Today we can still detect the heat from the explosion on radian waves as nobel prize winning physicists Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discovered in 1964. Hawking had the idea but their discover is the evidence he is right and the Big Bang all began with a singularity.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Where Do Babies Come From?

Stars in the night sky seem to be the answer to everything. Well at least show us the path we need to look at. when akin anything about the universe, even where do babies come from?, stars are the answer.

So where do babes come from then? Well to answer that we have to go back Billions of years to the time just after THE BIG BANG. The Big Bang, if you don't already know, is the event of all creation in and of our universe. It al started with a subatomic particle that would appear and disappear fallowing the uncertainty principle of quantum machines. This particle for some unknown, at the moment, reason the particle decided to explode and expel atoms into the universe.

Days after the explosion the atoms bang to come together under the force of gravity. These atoms were mostly Hydrogen and Helium and they formed together to make large balls of heat and light called stars. The two atoms then begin to repel and attract each other which speeds the atoms at high velocities. Soon these atoms move so fast that they break the charge boundaries that repeal and attract them, so they crash together. These atoms fuse together and the process is called fusion. The result is then radiated out of the star into space.

The new atoms forged throughout the fusion process begin to move through space and bond with the other atoms form the Big Bang. These bonds make compounds to create visible matter. The matter can become asteroids, comets, planets, and organic matter like bacteria. As you likely already know evolution organisms takes bacteria and over long periods of time creates new complex organisms. This is aided by the energy of heat from the fusion process of a star and the atoms it radiates to the planet an organism evolves on. Eventually you could get humans and their reproductive system is engineered through evolution to place certain energy and atoms in places to create another organism. Nine months later the organism is ready to evolve on its own instead of the mother adding energy and atoms to it. After about 25 years it hits its peak and the creation is done.

So in short the answer is all about stars right or in other words babies come from stars.

First Thing's First

Ok, so lets set this straight, Cosmology is  not Cosmetology. Cosmology is a sub study or more detailed form of Astronomy. It is actually ironic that it is classified as a sub study because Cosmology is the study of the Cosmos which is a general area of study where most sub studies are more specific. So I think I've made my point that I will not be writing about make up, but I will write about the wonders of the Universe.